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> world history
Ancient Civilizations 5-Chart Pack
Item number CTP5557.
Regularly stocked item.
Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours.
UPC 0030554055577
Creative Teaching Press
recommended for
5 to 8
10 to 14
list price $22.45
our price $16.61
savings $5.84 (26%)
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Display these reference charts as your students learn about the five ancient civilizations. Each chart includes a helpful teacher-reference page and three reproducibles to enhance student learning. 17" x 21 3/8". Includes CTP5558 Gifts of Ancient China Chart, CTP5559 Gifts of Ancient Rome Chart, CTP5560 Gifts of Ancient Mesopotamia Chart, CTP5561 Gifts of Ancient Egypt Chart, CTP5562 Gifts of Ancient Greece Chart.

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