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mathematics > activities-3-and-up
Math Dash Multiplication and Division Math Dash Multiplication and Division
Item number EP-LRN2349.
Regularly stocked item.
Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours.
UPC 0765515023493
recommended for
2 to 4
7 to 10
list price $24.99
our price $18.49
savings $6.50 (26%)
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Grades 2 and up. Math facts come alive with this exciting game of strategy! Up to eight players can race to see who can correctly solve their math problems and place four playing pieces in a row. Players will discover the need to block their opponents' moves as they strategically place their playing pieces. Games include 1 board, 8 color-coded sets of playing pieces (4 multiplication/4 division), and either operation can be used on the same board at the same time. This classroom-tested game has proven to be effective and is guaranteed to be fun!

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