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The World - Reference Maps and Forms, Grades 3-6 The World - Reference Maps and Forms, Grades 3-6
Item number EMC3720.
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UPC 0023472037206
ISBN 1557999546 ISBN 1-5579-9954-6
Published by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
112 pages
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The World - Reference Maps and; Forms contains 92 maps, evaluation forms, a crossword puzzle, a word search, and an answer key. The first section, The World, includes: an introduction of general facts about the world, a list of 192 countries in the world, a reference political map of the continents, a blank world map, Robinson and Mercator projection maps, globes, showing hemispheres, parallels, and meridians, maps of oceans, rivers, mountain ranges, and deserts. The second section, The Continents, includes: North America: an introduction, listing the countries, area, population, elevations, and fun facts about the continent, reference political and physical maps of North America, Canada, the United States, and Mexico, blank outline maps of North America, Canada, the United States, and Mexico - shape, political, and physical, study maps of each region of the United States and Mexico and the provinces and territories of Canada, a reference map of six regions of the United States, study maps of Central America, the Greater Antilles, and a reference map of the Lesser Antilles, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia an introduction, listing the countries, area, population, elevations, and fun facts about the continent, a reference political and a physical map of the continent (a political map of Oceania is included with Australia), blank outline maps of the continent - shape, political, and physical, study maps of regions of the continent. Antarctica and the Arctic Region: an introduction, listing the area, elevations, and fun facts about the continent, reference polar projection maps of Antarctica and the Arctic Region, a reference map of the scientific stations in Antarctica, blank outline projection maps of Antarctica and the Arctic Region. Dimensions: 8.5" x 11".

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