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> colonial america
History Pockets, Grades 4-6, Colonial America History Pockets, Grades 4-6, Colonial America
Item number EMC3709.
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UPC 0023472037091
ISBN 1557999066 ISBN 1-5579-9906-6
Published by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
96 pages
recommended for
10 to 11
list price $17.99
our price $13.31
savings $4.68 (26%)
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History Pockets-Colonial America, Grades 4 - 6, contains eight discovery pockets. The introduction pocket gives an overview of the settlement of the thirteen original colonies. The other pockets feature a look at the aspects of colonial life in the northern, middle, and southern colonies. Each pocket contains: a reproducible pocket label, a bookmark of short, fun facts about the subject, a fact sheet of background information for teacher and students, arts and crafts projects, writing activities. Evaluation forms are provided at the end of the book for teacher and student assessment purposes. The book contains the following pockets: Introduction to Colonial America, The First Settlements, The Native Americans, Homes and Villages, Daily Life, School, Work, Memorable People. Each book in the History Pockets series contains 7 to 11 pockets of history activities. For every pocket there are reading, writing, and "make-it" projects that extend the historical concept being presented. The following resources are provided: an overview page that describes the activities in each pocket, complete teacher directions for all activities, a reproducible label for each pocket, historical background information, historically accurate illustrations, maps, charts, and time lines. The following activities are included: informational reading and writing opportunities, historically based arts and crafts projects and patterns, culminating evaluation and reflection forms. Dimensions: 8.5" x 11".

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