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Daily Math Practice, Grade 5 Daily Math Practice, Grade 5
Item number EMC754.
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Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours.
UPC 0023472007544
ISBN 1557997454 ISBN 1-5579-9745-4
Published by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
112 pages
recommended for
10 to 11
list price $23.99
our price $17.75
savings $6.24 (26%)
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The skills practiced in Daily Math Practice, Grade 5 include: Computation: multidigit addition with and without regrouping, multidigit subtraction with and without regrouping, multidigit multiplication and division, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of decimals and fractions; Numbers: base ten system, word/standard forms, place value, rounding, estimation, properties/relationships and much more; Patterns/Algebra: figural patterns, numerical patterns, expressions, function tables, equations; Geometry/ Spatial: 2-dimentional shapes, 3-dimentional shapes, symmetry, congruency, spatial angle; Measurement: weight, capacity, time, temperature and much more; Data/Probability: coordinate graphing, constructing graphs, interpreting graphs, range, mode and much more. Each book in Daily Math Practice is divided into 36 weekly sections. The five items practiced each day, Monday through Thursday, include: two computation problems, two items that practice a variety of math skills, one word problem. Friday lessons contain: a single problem that is more extensive and may require multiple steps, problems that emphasize reasoning and communication in mathematics. Dimensions: 8.5" x 11".

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