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Skill Sharpeners Reading, Grade 2 Skill Sharpeners Reading, Grade 2
Item number EMC4530.
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UPC 0023472045300
ISBN 1596730382 ISBN 1-5967-3038-2
Published by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
144 pages
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Skill Sharpeners Reading, Grade 2 provides 15 motivating stories. For example: "Peanut Butter", "The Case of the Missing Apples", "The Ugly Duckling", "Elephants", "A Visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium", Activity pages include: comprehension questions, a vocabulary exercise, a sequencing activity for every story. Other skills addressed include the following: word families, phonetic elements, synonyms and; antonyms, alphabetical order, contractions, Parents have awonderful opportunity to support what happens in the classroom, inspiring their child's desire to learn. Skill Sharpeners Reading series is perfect for practice at home. The content is written by teachers and addresses the five essential components of reading instruction as identified in the No Child Left Behind Act. The five essential components of reading instruction addressed are: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Fluency, Skill Sharpeners Reading contains both fiction and nonfiction stories. The stories at each grade level get progressively more difficult, providing challenge as the child gains in reading skills over a period of time. Parents can purchase this series and know that their child is getting reading practice that is grade appropriate.

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