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Nutrition Careers for the 21st Century DVD Nutrition Careers for the 21st Century DVD
Item number LZX-3317.
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Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours.
ISBN 1571752617 ISBN 1-5717-5261-7
Learning ZoneXpress
recommended for
9 to 12
14 to 18
list price $39.95
our price $37.95
savings $2.00 (5%)
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Revised 2006! From Carrie's career as a sports nutritionist for professional athletic teams to Tony's career as a public health nutritionist and Barbara's life as a famous food entrepreneur, this video presents engaging interviews that are sure to excite students. The viewer will learn about a variety of careers from a nutrition consultant, public relations specialist, registered dietitian, food scientist, food stylist, and other food-related professionals. Teaching materials included. 22 min. Closed Captioned.

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