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Obesity in a Bottle DVD Obesity in a Bottle DVD
Item number LZX-3429.
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ISBN 1571753249 ISBN 1-5717-5324-9
Learning ZoneXpress
recommended for
5 to 12
10 to 18
list price $79.95
our price $75.95
savings $4.00 (5%)
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What type of beverage do you reach for when you're with friends? The choices you make have the potential to greatly affect your health. This educational video uses a fast-paced, teen-friendly format to address the growing national obesity problem and how beverages factor in. Topics include the effect of beverages on weight gain, beverage size, the dangers of both regular and diet sodas, a comparison of sports and energy drinks, a nutritional breakdown of other popular beverages, and the benefits of drinking water. Teaching materials included. 20 min. Closed Captioned.

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