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Teen Safety: When You are Alone DVD Teen Safety: When You are Alone DVD
Item number LZX-3461.
Regularly stocked item.
Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours.
ISBN 1571755586 ISBN 1-5717-5558-6
Learning ZoneXpress
recommended for
1 to 12
6 to 18
list price $79.95
our price $75.95
savings $4.00 (5%)
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Prevention is the key to stopping abuse, sexual violence or abduction. This program uses realistic scenarios and interviews with experts to: *Provide realistic strategies for a teen home alone; *Demonstrate safety strategies for a teen walking or driving alone *Tips to keep yourself safe while on the Internet *Demonstrate strategies for a teen in charge of young children *Personal safety statistics to which teens will pay attention 20 min. Teaching Materials included. Closed Captioned.

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