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Character: Self-Esteem Basics DVD Character: Self-Esteem Basics DVD
Item number LZX-3486.
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Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours.
ISBN 1571757538 ISBN 1-5717-5753-8
Learning ZoneXpress
recommended for
4 to 10
9 to 16
list price $49.95
our price $47.45
savings $2.50 (5%)
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How you see and value yourself is an important part of who you are - your character. Host and student, McKenna, guides viewers through important questions like: "Why is good self-esteem so important?" and "What can I do to improve mine?" to discover that how we see ourselves influences who we are. Through interviews with a developmental psychology expert and a high school basketball starter, discover why good self-esteem is so important to have. Teaching materials included, 18 min, Closed Captioned.

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