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Fathering: What It Means To Be a Dad DVD Fathering: What It Means To Be a Dad DVD
Item number LZX-3509.
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ISBN 1571758437 ISBN 1-5717-5843-7
Learning ZoneXpress
recommended for
9 to 12
14 to 18
list price $79.95
our price $75.95
savings $4.00 (5%)
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Being a father is a lifetime commitment that requires a lot of love, time, and energy. An interview with fathering expert Steve Onell is paired with interviews of young fathers to explain the impact and importance of a father in a child's life. Divided into four chapters, Fathering: What It Means To Be a Dad offers sound advice to new dads. Dads Matter. . . explains the importance of fathers in children's lives and introduces three areas of research and expert advice, discussed in the proceeding chapters. Be There: Show Up and Be Involved tells fathers to stay involved in all ages and stages of a child's life. Be Consistent: Provide Structure and Discipline explains why fathers are needed to be a part of a child's routine as a way to teach and guide. Be A Role Model: Demonstrate Healthy Behavior discusses how a father acts influences the personality of the child. Teaching materials included. Closed Captioned. 20 minutes.

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