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learning zonexpress
D is for Decisions Video D is for Decisions Video
Item number LZX-3530.
Regularly stocked item.
Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours.
UPC 846742000324
Learning ZoneXpress
recommended for
6 to 12
11 to 18
list price $49.95
our price $47.45
savings $2.50 (5%)
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Teens' eyes and ears are coveted by advertisers, but how do you make wise purchasing decisions? Maggie and Ethan shop for a bike and online for an MP3 player while learning and applying the 4 steps consumers should consider when making a purchase to make sure you're getting what you want and need: 1. Set a goal 2. List your resources 3. Shop carefully 4. Evaluate your purchase Resource management, goal setting, and the decision making process are covered. 16 min. Closed Captioning.

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