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learning zonexpress
1 Great Plate Tablet 1 Great Plate Tablet
Item number LZX-470014.
Regularly stocked item.
Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours.
UPC 846742000072
Learning ZoneXpress
recommended for
9 to 12
14 to 18
list price $11.95
our price $11.35
savings $0.60 (5%)
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Ensure healthy, balanced eating by dividing your plate! The 1 Great Plate Tablet promotes an easy-to-remember healthy equation to help you visualize how to fill your dinner plates. A healthy meal is pictured showing the divisions of 1/2 fruits and vegetables, 1/4 whole grains, and 1/4 lean protein, equaling "1 Great Plate!" Backside features tips to make each section of your plate great, portioned food photographs to help visualize your servings and information about increasing dinner plate sizes. 50 tear-off handouts per tablet. 8 1/2" x 11", 2 sided.

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